Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Definition. What Is The Definition Of A Leader That Is

Definition What is the definition of a leader? That is a question that many try to answer and most try to define leadership from a business point of view. In other words, they define it from the point of view of the ability to direct, give orders or organize people. For me a leader represents much more than that, a leader is that person who not only grows personally, grows together with the people around him or her, a leader is one who inspires change, who directs, supports, motivates, listens and impels others through good actions and a good example. A leader is that person who recognizes achievements, shares things and is there to point out your weaknesses when you do not achieve the desired results. Being a leader, is to achieve all of†¦show more content†¦Weigh the facts of a given situation and make a considered decision. 3- Dependability: Your subordinates need to know that you are dependable as a leader. Be reliable. You can share responsibility but never accountability. 4- Integrity: As a leader you must have the moral authority to lead, govern, and discipline, the foundation in which is based on integrity. You must set the example so that it sets the environment for the workplace. 5- Decisiveness: The smartest leader is worthless if he cannot be decisive in his decision making. Be able to make tough decisions quickly and accurately. 6- Tact: You can pretty much say anything if you use the appropriate amount of tact. It’s possible to correct someone while being tactful. It is always better to build someone up rather than to break them down. 7- Initiative: Initiative not only solves the problem at hand, but it can prevent it from worsening. Don’t wait around for someone else to do the job or tell you what and how to do it. Assess the situation, the intent and make the move. 8- Endurance: This does not only refer to physical endurance. There is also emotional endurance, the will to keep going when you think you can’t. 9- Bearing: Always act as if you are in control. Bearing is a reflection of your mental discipline and how much you control your mind. 10- Unselfishness: Never make comfort based decisions. Think of others first, those who youShow MoreRelatedA Comprehensive Leadership Approach On Leadership1421 Words   |  6 Pagesany job experience, I had never been formally exposed to leadership, although, in retrospect, I was surrounded by family and community leaders. There are numerous sources that depict leadership. In this writing, I describe my thoughts on leadership in terms of my definition, management and leadership and what I think is the action and responsibility of the leader. 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